Easter Bunny Jump

Easter Bunny Jump

Every year, Sky Knights hosts an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids of East Troy. The hunt starts after the Easter Bunny skydives in. On March 27, 2005, I played the Bunny for the first time and parachuted into the club's back yard where I eventually gave the signal to start the hunt.

Hopping on our way out to the airplane.

Walking to the plane.

In the airplane, on the way to altitude. I`m adjusting my ears for freefall.

In freefall, shortly after exit.

Yeeee Haaaaa !! I didn`t mess up! I didn`t mess up!

Giving the signal to start the hunt.

Bunny is no fool, he`s protecting himself.

The crowd at the start of the hunt.

Demonstration Jumps
