330th ASA Co. (AVN)
The 330th ASA Co. (AVN) at Sembach Air Base
From January 1974 through August 1975 the 330th was headquarted at Sembach Air Base.
We could use MUCH more content for this page

Quarters on Possner Strasse

The barracks on Sembach

A view from the barracks

Sembach from first barracks 1974

1974 Christmas Potluck
Christmas Potluck at the Sembach Recreation Center
Jim Stone becomes an honorary ground pounder
Jim Stone becomes an honorary ground pounder
The 330th in Sembach's "Tiger Talk"
The 330th ASA Co. was featured in the March 7, 1975 issue of "Tiger Talk", the official newspaper of Sembach Air Base.
About this website
This site is dedicated to the the 330th ASA Co. (AVN) and the men and women who served in the unit.

Submit your pictures, stories, anecdotes, personal information, etc. This site will become as great as the participation in it.
Webmaster Contact
Jeff. Dawson
Email: Dawson@iPlummet.com